Types of Clutches

Clutch is a mechanical device used in transmission system of the vehicle. It engaged and disengaged the transmission system from the engine. it is fixed between the engine and the transmission.

Types of the Clutches 

There are the following types of the clutches used in an automobile industries.

1. Friction Clutches

 Friction clutches is the type of the clutches in which the rotating coaxial shaft are engaged through friction contact of their surface.
The friction clutches are the mainly three types- Single plate clutch, Multi plate clutches, and the other is Cone Clutch.

Single plate Clutch:
Single plate clutch are one of the most commonly used this type of clutches used in most modern light vehicle . The clutch helps to transmit the torque from the engine to the transmission input shaft. As the name states it has only one clutch plate.
In the single plate clutch it consists of a clutch plate ,friction plate, pressure plate,flywheel, bearing , clutch spring and nut and bolts arrangements.
Working of Single plate clutch:

In a vehicle ,we operate the clutch by pressing the clutch to pedal for disengagement of gears. then spring get compressed and the pressure plate get moved backwords.
Now the clutch plate become free from between the pressure plate and flywheel. Due to this now the clutch is getting disengaged and able to shift to the gear.
This makes flywheel to to rotate as long as the engine is running and the clutch shaft speed reduce slowly and then it stops rotating . As long the clutch paddle is pressed , the clutch is said to be dis engaged , otherwise it remains engaged due to spring force. After releasing the clutch paddle the pressure plate come back to its original position and clutch is again engaged.

 Multiplate Clutch:
Muliplate clutches are mainly used to make friction contact with a flywheel of the engine.This make transmit the power between the engine shaft and the transmission shaft of a vehicle . The number of clutches means more friction surface.
The increased number of friction surface also increased the capacity of the clutch to transmit torque. The clutch plate are fitted to the engine shaft and gearbox.
They are pressed by coil spring and assembled in a drum . Each of the alternate plate slide in the grove on the flywheel and the other slide on spline on the pressure plate. Hence, each different plate has an inner and outer spline.
Working of the multiplate clutch :

The working of the multiplate clutches are the same of the single plate clutches. The clutch is operated by pressing the clutch pedal. The multiple clutches are used in heavy commercial vehicle, racing cars and motorcycles for transmitting high torque.
The multiple clutches are the two characters dry and wet. If the clutch is operated in an oil bath , it is known as the wet clutch.. If the clutch is operated without any oil it is known as the dry clutch.
The wet clutches is commonly used in connection with, as a part of the automatic transmission.

Cone Clutch : 
The cone clutch is consists of the friction surface in the form of thee cone.
This clutch uses two conical surface to transmit to torque by friction. The engine shaft consists of a female cone and a male cone. the male cone is mounted on the spline clutch shaft to slide on it. It has a friction surface on the conical portion.
Working of cone Clutch :

Due to the force of the spring when the clutch is engaged the friction surface of the male cone are connects with the female cone. When the clutch pedal is pressed , the male cone slide towords the spring force and the clutch is disengaged.

2. Centrifugal Clutch 

The below figure shows a centrifugal clutches . To keep the clutch in the engaged position centrifugal clutch used centrifugal force, instead of spring force. the clutch is operated automatically depending upon the engine speed .That's why no clutch pedal is required to operate the clutch.
Working of the centrifugal clutches:

Working of the centrifugal clutches:

  • It consists of the weight A pivoted at B.
  • when the engine speed increases the weights fly off due to centrifugal force, operating the bell crank lever , which pressed at the place C.
  • The moments of the plate C presses the spring the spring E, which ultimately presses the clutch plate D on the flywheel against the spring G.
  • This make the clutch engaged. 
  • The spring G keeps the clutch disengaged at low speed at about 500 rpm.
  • The stop H limits the movements of the weights due to centrifugal.

3. Semi- Centrifugal  Clutch

The semi centrifugal clutch uses centrifugal forces as well as spring forces for keeping it in the engaged position. A semi centrifugal clutch has levers and clutch spring which are engaged equally on the pressure plate. the spring of the clutch are designed to transmit the torque at normal engine speed. While the centrifugal force helps in torque transmission at higher engine speed.

At normal engine speed when the power transmission is low, the spring keep the clutch engaged , the weighted levers do not have any pressure on the pressure plate.
At high engine speed when the power transmission is high , the weight fly of the levers and the lever also experts pressure on the plate , keeping this clutch is firmly engaged.
In the diaphragm clutch , the diaphragm is a conical shape of the spring . when we pressed the clutch pedal the outside bearing move towords the flywheel pressing the diaphragm spring which pushes the pressure plate backwords.


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